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Porous Ceramic Filter Products

[ Product Description ]
The porous Ceramic Filtering Agents are composed of many even-distributed and inter-blended arch-shaped pores. When the fluid passes through these pores, the suspended substances and the glued particles and large molecule organic substances will be stopped and absorbed to the pores, which results in purification and filtering. They have the properties of high intensity, high corrosion resistance and heat resistance, collision resistance, pollutant-free, even-distribution of the pores, making longer service years and easier to be recycled, especially applicable for filtering the gas, fluids and liquids.

[ Technical Indexes of Porous Ceramic Filter materials ]
Item Index Item Index
Bulk Density, g/cm3 1.4-1.6 Water permeability, t/m2.h 1.0-2.5
Pore size, μm 10-500 Gas permeability, m3/m2.h 1.8-5.0
Porosity, % 30-50 Acid resistance, % ≥98
Rupture strength, MPa 3.5-5.0 Alkali resistance, % ≥82
Crushing Strength, MPa 12-15 Thermal resistance, °C 800

[ Type and Size of Ceramic Filter Bricks, Plates and Pipes. ]
Type / Size Porous brick Type / Size Porous Plate Type / Size Porous Pipe
SHZ-1 230×113×65 SHB-1 230×230×45 SH-50A 50×30×500
SHZ-2 230×113×60 SHB-2 250×250×55 SH-50B 50×30×700
SHZ-3 230×113×55 SHB-3 300×300×60 SH-80A 80×50×500
SHZ-4 230×113×50 SHB-4 330×330×65 SH-80B 80×50×700
SHZ-5 230×113×45 SHB-5 350×350×60 SH-100 100×60×700
SHZ-6 230×113×40 SHB-6 400×400×65 SH-120 120×80×1000
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