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Add: Xiangdong Ceramic Industrial
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Heat storage Ceramic Balls

[ Products Description ]
Heat storage ceramic balls are characterized by its high strength, low abrasion loss, large heat capacity and thermal conductivity result in efficient heat storage performance, excellent resistance to high temperature and the thermal shock. The balls have been effectively used in recuperator in air separation process, and also used to pre-heat the gas and the air in coal gas heating furnace in iron & steel plant.

[ Technical Specification ]
Item/Type SH-1 SH-2
Chemical Composition % Al2O3 20-30 60-65
SiO2+Al2O3 ≥90 ≥90
Fe2O3 ≤1 ≤1.5
Size, mm Φ10-20/Φ12-14 Φ16-18/Φ20-25
Heat capacity, J/kg.k ≥836 ≥1000
Thermal conductivity, w/m.k 2.6-2.9  
Thermal Resistance, °C 800 1000
Refractoriness, °C 1550 1750
Wear ability % ≤0.1 ≤0.1
Mohs's hardness, Scal ≥6.5 ≥6.5
Crushing strength, N 800-1200 1800-3200
Bulk Density, kg/m3 1300-1400 1500-1600
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